wardrobe for my actor headshots in los angeles

What should I wear?

Casual, upscale casual, sophisticated, dressy, business/corporate/powerful, sexy, wholesome, sweet, soccer mom, red carpet, nightclub, out on a date, soft & feminine, print versus solid, light versus dark(?)

What wardrobe style should I choose for my headshot session?

What is age appropriate? Should my wardrobe choices feel and look more my age, more mature or younger?

Is the headshot photographer in L.A. experienced enough to guide me with my wardrobe choices?

What colors should my wardrobe be in my headshots?

Should my wardrobe be form fitting or should it be a little looser?


I am a firm believer that the wardrobe you wear in your headshot photography session is very important. Too many headshot photographers will dismiss wardrobe as overrated or a distraction. They will tell you that people do not pay so much attention to your wardrobe, that people want to see your expression and how you connect with the “lens”. Yes your connection with the lens is extremely important but what you wear will help define your type. I am a strong believer that meticulous attention to wardrobe in your headshot session in Los Angeles is very important. Headshot photographers in Los Angeles who dismiss the importance of wardrobe selection are shortsighted and probably do not have the experience and knowledge to guide you when it comes to your wardrobe selection for your photo shoot. Make sure this important aspect of your headshot session comes up when you are initially speaking with a headshot photographer, if they brush off this important issue, to me this is a “red flag”.


Headshot Photographers in Los Angeles
